Your signature can be used with any website generator like Wordpress, or any web app that allows you to add a link to your profile or edit the html of your posts.
Social Media
Your Digital Signature can be used on any Social Media that allows external links (Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc.) and it can hold all your links to other websites and accounts.
Personalized Content
If you are a professional generating personalized content, a signature can allow you to show credentials and expertise to all your customers.
Questions? Let's talk
Please leave your information and a message with all your questions or inquiries. If you want to talk with us directly, please include your availability in the message. We normally respond in less than 2 hours.
Let's get started!
Please add your information, a human will contact you directly to start with your signature. You can add any question or context in the message area. Talk to you soon!!
Questions, feedback, ideas?
We are a customer driven organization. If you have any question about Factus, how it works or simply want to talk about any idea please contact us using this form. A human will get back to you as soon as possible.